Other articles by Van Richards

The Gold Coins of Como and the Parable of the Hidden Treasure

Recently, national and local news services throughout the world have reported the story of hundreds of gold coins unearthed in the basement area of an old theater in Como, Italy. These gold coins remind us of the treasure that Jesus spoke about in the Parable of the Hidden Treasure.

Investing in Sin; Is It Ever Okay?

Many Christians who invest in publicly owned companies are surprised to learn that their investments give money to causes or invest in businesses that are anti-Christian. If you own the stock of a public company or have mutual funds that invest in stocks, this might be you.

Should Men Handle the Finances in a Marriage?

From the time of Adam and Eve, till the 20th century, men had the role of provider and handled the money in most Christian families. As society has changed in recent years, more and more married women work and share the responsibility of providing for their families. Now that most two-parent ...

Christians Drowning in Debt; Should they File Bankruptcy?

When debt becomes so overwhelming that it paralyzes a person's ability to function, bankruptcy may be an option. But some Christians who are facing significant financial difficulties ask the question, "does filing bankruptcy conflict with the teachings of the Bible?"

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