
Headline News

Cancer Made Me Severely Depressed, Then I Got an Unexpected Phone Call
It was 6 p.m. on a Sunday evening. My family had once again gone to church without me, as I was not healthy enough to go with them. So I sat home alone, listening to the radio broadcast of our church's service.

How Can I Practically Do God's Will?
How does God lead us? How can we know the direction that he has for us?

Romans 3 and 4 for Catholics, Protestants and Every Christian
It's one thing to have a reputable religious pedigree, but another thing altogether to actually know God.

Scriptural Prayers for All Situations
Many years ago, when my wife Jeana was diagnosed with cancer, it was a wake-up call for us. At that time we had two young boys, a large and growing church, and a great life. But when cancer struck my 35-year-old wife and led to surgeries, ruthless chemotherapy treatments, and additional radiation ...

In Search of the Ultimate High
The world offers up an enticing smorgasbord of pastimes – all claiming to offer you an endorphin rush not to be missed. It seems our relentless search to be high is because we feel so consistently low. It is ironic that America is ravaged by misery though widely recognised as a land of plenty.

Off Limits: Politics, Religion, and Women?
I remember a time when three topics were off limits: politics, religion, and women.

God Doesn't Play Dice… But He Does Play Hide and Seek
On the one hand, we have Paul telling us how unfathomable and unsearchable are the ways of God (Rom 11:33), and on the other, he prays that believers will grow in their understanding, and that they will be receptive to the breadth, length, height, and depth of His incredible love (Eph 3:14-19).

Was Jesus a Nazirite?
A question some have about the life of Jesus was whether or not he was a Nazirite, and took a Nazirite vow.

Abortion Doulas: Turning Language on Its Head
Abortion activists like to use the same words we pro-lifers use, but they're using an entirely different dictionary. Case in point: the word "doula."

Sacred: When God's Punishment Seems Too Severe For the Crime
I was bothered the first time I read about God killing Uzzah just because he tried to keep the ark of the covenant from falling.

My Salvation Experience — The Day I Met God
At 8 years old, I sat on the edge of my father's hospital bed, doing my best to wrap my mind around the finality of death, as it brutally introduced itself to me. After a 5-year battle with cancer, my dad was dying. He was my hero.
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