Pastors and Churches Are Important to the Future of America

As the pastor goes, so goes the church. As the church goes, so goes America. With all I am, I believe this. Pastors and churches are very important to the future of America. In light of this, please consider these three things:
1. Pastors and churches, we need you to lead the way!
Whether it is taking the gospel to your community, leading a prayer observance for the National Day of Prayer, or seeing your community prosper, lead the way! Your community, your state, and our nation will never surpass the health, conviction, and leadership of the pastors and churches in America.
2. Ministries and denominations, invest in pastors and churches!
This past week, Jeana and I had the incredible privilege to lead and invest in pastors and wives of some of the largest churches in America. They are incredible people and they desire to grow, to be challenged, and to be all God wants them to be in life and ministry. They also want to make a difference in America and across the world.
Ministries and denominations, I am convinced that your long-term value will be determined by how effectively you invest in pastors and churches. If our pastors are not healthy, our churches will not be healthy. Ministries and denominations have the incredible challenge and overwhelming privilege to invest in pastors and churches. There is nothing like it. Do it!
3. Churches, pray for pastors. Pastors, pray for churches. Pastors and churches, pray for America.
Every church in America needs to pray for their pastor.
Read more about pastors and churches on The Christian Post.