17-year-old Nobel winner Malala Yousafzai aims to be Pakistan's prime minister one day

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Malala Yousafzai, 16-year-old Pakistani campaigner for the education of women, speaks during a news conference with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim (not pictured), celebrating International Day of the Girl in Washington October 11, 2013. | REUTERS/GARY CAMERON

OSLO, Norway (Christian Examiner) -- Malala Yousafzai, the 17-year-old Nobel laureate from Pakistan, has set her sights on another prize: becoming the prime minister of her country. The young woman, who has been outspoken for the need for women's education, talked about her ambitions and the need for reform while in Oslo, Norway to accept her award.

"I had two options. One was to remain silent and wait to be killed. And the second was to speak up and then be killed. I chose the second one. I decided to speak up," she said on stage. "As far as I know, I am just a committed and even stubborn person who wants to see every child getting quality education, who wants to see women having equal rights and who wants peace in every corner of the world. Education is one of the blessings of life, and one of its necessities."

Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by Taliban operatives in 2012 for speaking out for women's rights, said she was inspired by Benazir Bhutto, the first female Pakistani prime minister. Bhutto served two terms before being assassinated in 2007.

"I want to serve my country and this is my dream that my country becomes a developed country and I see every child get an education," she told BBC Wednesday. "If I can serve my country best through politics and through becoming a prime minister then I would definitely choose that."

Yousafzai, who is the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, shared the honor with Kailash Satyarthi, who has also campaigned for education for young people in his native India.